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Sphatik Trisul , Crystal Trisul

Sphatik trisul
Trishul is an Indian trident which is associated with Lord Shiva. It is a javelin like weapon with three sharp points and is considered sacred by the Hindus. The three spears of the Trishul are mounted on a staff or rod. The two spears on either side are curved and the one in the middle is straight. The tridents are at times found with sharp edges and pointed ends.
Spiritual Benefits
The three pronged javelin like weapon, depicts the there gunas according to our religious scriptures. They are-Sattwa, Rajas and Tamas:
Sattwa is being pure, bereft of all impurities, this virtue is so immaculately pure that it emanates light and is also free of all types of sickness. It keeps the soul together with the Divine knowledge and happiness.
Rajas means ‘full of passion’ and is born out of trishna or strong desire and sanga that is attachment. It binds the soul with attachments for worldly desires and gives us the impetus to take action towards the fulfillment of it.
Tamas is the darkness and the crudness in mankind. It arises in humans due to their ignorance and conquers the soul with sleep, recklessness and indolence.
The Trishul pierces this veil of ignorance and develops the quality of Sattwa so that one can purify one’s mind and provide tranquility through right worship and knowledge. Now if you own a Quartz, Spartika or a Crystal Trishul, which could be even as small as a couple of inches long, would help you in the path of gaining the Right Knowledge – Sattwa. And this knowledge would aid you in your passage of becoming an exact yogi through practice and devotion, surrendering yourself to God completely by performing your duty in a detached manner. The splendour of Goodness would envelope your entire being, bringing you joy, satisfaction, contentment, courage, forgiveness and complete freedom from fear. Conquest of ego and all malices of the world is the only Truth. Thus you would embark on the journey of the Eternal Religion, egging you towards renunciation.
” Trishul is for Confidence, Go Confidently with Sphatik Trishul “
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