Crystal Healing

A form of healing that uses crystals or gemstones. Crystals have a variety of structures that enable them to redefine bodily movement thereby starting the healing process where other conventional means fail. The crystals inherent power to restore sagging energy that balances bodily mechanism.

What is Crystal Healing?

Since time immemorial crystals have played an important role in healing process. Crystals have a variety of structures that enable them to redefine bodily movement thereby starting the healing process where other conventional means fail. The crystals inherent power to restore sagging energy that balances bodily mechanism for normal functioning is the key to healing process – naturally. It harmonizes the mind, body to offset negativity responsible for ailments, depression and other disquieting human emotions. It cures the entire body holistically.

The crystals of varied colors are used for a particular symptom. The crystal resonates instep with the bodily condition leading to reduction in negativity working on the body and mind. There are seven chakras in the body and each is allotted a corresponding color crystal to alleviate the condition.

Consider common headaches. Often the oral medicine taken alleviates pain but does not target the reasons for this condition. Crystal allotted to this condition works magically on the body and mind. In a jiffy the condition disappears! Generally, amethyst, amber or turquoise placed in the proximity of the pain works wonders to alleviate the condition.


Crystal Healing for Individuals

Crystals of deep tinge are suitable to help reduce negativity. Some of the crystals prescribed to alleviate this condition are deep yellow topaz, crimson garnet, etc.

Another way to infuse energy, revitalize energy is using deep tiger’s eye, deep citrine, jasper etc. To energize the entire body a person must hold clear quartz crystal face upwards in both hands and citrine on the solar plexus.

School going children often suffer from lack of concentration resulting lower grades in school. Quartz and carnelian are ideal crystals to enhance concentration while Amethyst is a crystal which has the power to remove obstructions that come in the way mental clarity.

To know more about it, get in touch with us.

Crystal Healing for Business Places

Human Capital is the main resource of any Business and individuals Mind is the nerve centre of the entire human body. It controls all activities both in wakeful and sleeping hours. It must always remain healthy in top trim.

Crystals have that special power to keep the mind in peaceful state and remove such conditions that come in the way of expressing emotions more humanely. To reduce psychic and nervous stress one must wear green jade. It offsets both these conditions. Employees, employers alike must sport this crystal to contribute to serenity in their place of work. It contributes to better individual relationships and helps in enhancing profits.

Placement of Special Crystals in specific places of the Origination generates energy that will enhance productivity of Human Minds. Talk to us on this.